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Time of Flight

Level measurement with Time and Flight principles is reflection or echo measurement based on measuring the duration of a high-frequency pulse emitted by a sensor - The pulse is reflected by the surface and detected again by the sensor.
The elapsed time is a measure of the distance traveled in the empty part of the tank. By now subtracting this value from the total tank height, the level height is obtained which, via an amplifier, is converted into a contact signal or an analog output signal.


Type: Klinger ULM

Ultrasonic Level Transmitter

Type: Klinger 8601


Type: Klinger 8701

Guided Radar

Time of Flight

Level measurement with Time and Flight principles is reflection or echo measurement based on measuring the duration of a high-frequency pulse emitted by a sensor - The pulse is reflected by the surface and detected again by the sensor.
The elapsed time is a measure of the distance traveled in the empty part of the tank. By now subtracting this value from the total tank height, the level height is obtained which, via an amplifier, is converted into a contact signal or an analog output signal.


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